Last June Finance Minister wound up her speech/reading of the budget with these words;
“Mr. Speaker Sir, it is a well known fact that over 52 per cent of the population in Uganda is comprised of the youth who have been born under the good environment provided by the National Resistance Movement Government. Accordingly, the NRM continues to pay attention to their development and has provided them with many opportunities including: political space, free education in both primary and secondary, good health care, and has now embarked on providing them with skills through vocational training and higher education.
In addition, Government has introduced special programs that directly or indirectly target the youth. These include: commercialization of agriculture for creations of both farm and non-farm employment, special school leavers’ fund for start-up capital, increasing the ICT infrastructure and related opportunities such as provision of online services in business outsourcing, and provision of entrepreneurial skills and machinery for small scale industries.
From the foregoing, it is clear that the National Resistance Movement Party vision is to provide a bright future for the youth of this country. We should not forget that the young people are the leaders of today’s leaders. I, therefore, with humility, dedicate this budget to the youth of this country.
Mr. Speaker Sir, I beg to move.
Deputy Speaker: Rebeca Kadaga |
Most of those promises sound so beautiful on the podium.
She talked of a special school leavers fund as start up capital for the graduates to create their own businesses which to my understanding has never been executed since they failed deliberately to revamp the Directorate of industrial training an institute that would have acted as a solid implementing institution.
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